My sons who were on a mission trip this summer for 7 weeks are home. Yay! The oldest has been away for a training program for the past 10 months (with college-like visits throughout) and the mission trip was the last part of it. We traveled It is obvious he has really grown spiritually during that time. It's wonderful to see that! Life hasn't always been easy with him. We went through a time of rebellion and anger from him and wondered where it would lead. He hasn't arrived. None of us have (here on earth), but he's so different than he was even 2 years ago.
And yet......he's already getting into it with his 17 year-old sister. Their relationship has been very good for the past year, much better than ever before. But she's at a rebellious point and now he takes our side. He likes to think of himself as a vice parent. We frequently tell him he's not, but does get somewhat bossy with his siblings. Mostly his sister. Not only do I not need his help, I'm concerned that it will hurt his relationship with her AND stress her relationship with her dad and me more than it already is. He's teasing her about issues that she's sensitive about and pushing her about things that will make her want to rebel more. I tried to talk to both of them yesterday about the bickering and he said they're just playing, but she's not. She's angry with him and she's ready for him to leave already and he's only been home a day and a half.
He's hoping to only be home for about four months while he works and saves some money in preparation for his next step (which is yet to be determined). As much as I love him and want him to live here, we've gotten used to him being gone and I think it may be best for the family now if he's not here permanently. Almost all because of the difficulties with his sister I foresee, but also because I suspect that after the freedom from us he's had the last year he will find it difficult to live with all of us again as well, which will make it stressful for all of us.
Launching them into independence sure ain't easy.