Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I've been reading a lot of blogs recently discussing feminism and complementarians vs. egalitarians within the church. Those last two I had never heard and didn't know what they meant until the last couple of months.

I have a hard time with feminism. Yes, there were a lot of good things that came out of the feminist movement. Women's right to own property, to not be considered their husbands' property, right to vote etc. Unfortunately, feminism is tied to many bad things, too - selfishness, man-hating, the "me" generation, the sexual revolution and abortion to name a few that spring to mind. Many women were so wrapped up in getting for themselves they couldn't see the damage that they were doing to others and even themselves in the process and they were hurting other women as they encouraged them to do the same.

I am thankful that I have the rights I do as a woman, perhaps I would have been a feminist in the early days of the movement, but now I could never consider myself a feminist.

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