Sunday, June 22, 2008

What am I doing Here?

I decided I needed somewhere to work out my thoughts. To write them down and hopefully understand them better. God has been moving me, growing me, I've been reading a lot of books to learn more. Things like Rich Mullins: An Arrow Pointing to Heaven (actually a reread of this), The Screwtape Letters and Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis, and others I can't think of right now. And after I read each book I find a jumble of thoughts fill my mind, but with little time to really ponder these thoughts and so many interruptions, it seems I can never organize them in any meaningful way. I never really move forward with them and over time the insight that might have come with them seems to disappear.

So.....I am hoping that writing my thoughts down will force me to organize them and maybe I will learn some new things about myself and my God. And I'm writing it as a blog so I can get feedback from others because we all have blinders in some areas and other people can call me on those areas, which will help me learn and grow even more.

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